What is Organic Tea?

What is Organic Tea?

Before understanding organic tea, let's first take a look at the concepts of organic production, organic processing, and organic products as defined in organic product standards.

Organic Production

Organic production follows specific principles, where genetically engineered organisms and their products are not used, and chemical synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, feed additives, and other substances are not used. It follows natural laws and ecological principles, coordinating the balance between crop cultivation and livestock farming, and maintaining a sustainable and stable production system.

Organic Processing

Organic processing primarily uses organic ingredients and does not involve genetically engineered organisms and their products. It minimizes the use of synthetic chemical additives, processing aids, dyes, and other inputs. The goal is to retain the nutritional content and original properties of the products as much as possible.

Organic Products

Organic products refer to those produced, processed, and sold according to organic agricultural production systems, following organic agriculture requirements and relevant standards. They are certified by independent organic certification organizations and are intended for human or animal consumption.

According to the descriptions of authoritative experts, literature, and the organic tea agricultural industry standards (NY 5196-2002), organic tea is defined as: Organic tea is tea produced by following natural laws and ecological principles, using sustainable agricultural techniques that benefit the ecosystem and environment, without using synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or growth regulators. In the processing stage, no synthetic food additives are used, and the tea is certified by organic certification agencies.


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